Announcing: the month of March as Shukhov Month! March 19th is the tower’s birthday: 94 this year! To celebrate and take advantage of the tower’s inclusion in the 2016 World Monuments Watch list of 50 at-risk cultural heritage sites around … Continue reading
PHOTOS from The Constructivist Project on Instagram 29.05.2014 “On Presnya a rally was held in defense of the 100-year-old Shukhov radio tower Young Muscovites demand to save a masterpiece of the Russian avant-garde for the capital” http://www.mk.ru/moscow/2014/05/29/na-presne-proshel-miting-v-zashhitu-100letnejj-shuhovskojj-radiobashni.html 29.05.2014 “Rally in … Continue reading
Evidence that people are NOT indifferent. A collection of comments on the proposal to dismantle and relocate the Shukhov Tower. ONE day left of public discussion. By no means a complete list, but just reading a few comments and it’s … Continue reading
Уважаемый Президент Владимир Путин! 25 февраля 2014 года Государственный Комитет Российской Федерации по Телевидению и Радиовещанию согласился с демонтажем знаменитой Радиобашни на Шаболовке в Москве, спроектированной инженером Владимиром Шуховым и построенной в 1922 году. Не было продемонстрировано никаких убедительных доказательств … Continue reading
15 марта 2014: ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ Московские градозащитники, историки архитектуры, искусствоведы подготовили ряд акций против планов демонтажа и переноса всемирно известного памятника архитектуры ХХ века – Радиобашни архитектора В. Шухова. В ответ на Проект постановления о разборе Башни уже выступила Общественная палата … Continue reading
March 15, 2014: PRESS RELEASE Moscow urban activists, architectural historians, and art historians have prepared a series of events against the plans to dismantle and relocate the world … Continue reading
English: 25.10.2007 Unique Shukhov Tower in Moscow in urgent need of reconstruction http://lands-sale.com/real_estate/Unique_Shukhov_Tower_in_Moscow_in_urgent_need_of_reconstruction_18697 01.03.2010 Shabolovka radio tower marks 90th anniversary http://voiceofrussia.com/2010/03/01/4943343/ 23.06.2011 Beautiful Moscow from the Shukhov Tower http://englishrussia.com/2011/06/23/beautiful-moscow-from-the-shukhov-tower/ 15.03.2012 Shukhov tower on the brink http://themoscownews.com/local/20120315/189534873.html 20.03.2012 Power Tower: Landmark … Continue reading
On Monday I went to the Central House of the Architect to listen in on the panel discussion “The architectural heritage of Vladimir Shukhov in a modern city.” While I usually post photos, this time around I thought I’d share … Continue reading
P H O T O S from an excursion around Shabolovka neighborhood. October 27, 2012.
Blue blue skies, cold wind, and avant-garde architecture. Tour around Shabolovka, in Instagram collage!