Announcing: the month of March as Shukhov Month!
March 19th is the tower’s birthday: 94 this year! To celebrate and take advantage of the tower’s inclusion in the 2016 World Monuments Watch list of 50 at-risk cultural heritage sites around the world (#2016WMWatch) – The Constructivist Project is making the month of March Shukhov Month (#ShukhovMonth) dedicated to Vladimir Shukhov and his many contributions to science, technology, and engineering, and the star of the show – the Shukhov Tower!
Check out the program for Shukhov Tower Watch Day on March 19 and 20.
Two years ago, the shocking plans to dismantle and relocate the tower that were announced by the Ministry of Communications instigated an intense international campaign calling for the preservation of the tower in its historic location and restoration without dismantling. These plans that would have meant the effective destruction of the tower were cancelled, and in spring of 2015 the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage tasked the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network to conduct emergency works on the tower to be completed by the 4th quarter of 2016. At present, the top section that was added to the tower in 1991 has already been removed, and a support structure has been constructed inside the tower. However, the question of a comprehensive scientific restoration is still up in the air and demands prompt attention.
For its part, The Constructivist Project is happy to being working with The Shukhov Tower Foundation, Avant-Garde Center, and Docomomo Russia to highlight the many achievements of Vladimir Shukhov during Shukhov Month, and invites anyone interested to contribute to this celebration. For more information, please write to
To kick off Shukhov Month, check out:
Archive of articles about the Shukhov Tower:
Shukhov Tower in the news
Bird’s eye view of the Shukhov Tower:
Recent photographs of the Shukhov Tower (February 2016):
- Shukhov Tower Шуховская башня
- Shukhov Tower Шуховская башня
- Shukhov Tower Шуховская башня
- Shukhov Tower Шуховская башня