Announcing: the month of March as Shukhov Month! March 19th is the tower’s birthday: 94 this year! To celebrate and take advantage of the tower’s inclusion in the 2016 World Monuments Watch list of 50 at-risk cultural heritage sites around … Continue reading
“ICOMOS wishes to again call to the attention of the authorities of the Russian Federation the urgent necessity of: – halting the demolition of this internationally significant architectural and historical layer [Russian Avant-garde]; – providing top-level federal listing to these … Continue reading
Below is a translation of the open letter which was originally published on Colta.ru The letter can be signed on Facebook in the open group, ДОМ МЕЛЬНИКОВА: ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО Translation of the group description: “MELNIKOV HOUSE: OPEN LETTER Dear colleagues and friends, … Continue reading
«С тревогой и изумлением» ДОМ МЕЛЬНИКОВА: ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО Letter originally published on Colta.ru можно подписать письмо ЗДЕСЬ Министру культуры Российской Федерации В.Р. Мединскому Советнику президента РФ по культуре В.И. Толстому Москва, 15 сентября 2014 г. Уважаемый Владимир Ростиславович! Уважаемый Владимир Ильич! … Continue reading
Jean-Louis Cohen comments on the current situation surrounding the Narkomfin building Жан-Луи Коэн комментирует текущую ситуацию вокруг дома Наркомфина See photos of the renovation works going on inside the Narkomfin building in the past several months HERE.
(Translation from original article in Афиша-Город + photos/comments by Natalia Melikova in response) “Guys, relax, you will not control us”: Narkomfin’s new life Apartments in the Narkomfin building will be bought by friends of the owner, instead of preparing borscht … Continue reading
^Bedroom inside the Melnikov House, photographed May 15, 2014. ^Construction site of a multi-functional complex at Arbat 39-41, photographed June 5, 2014. What’s the big deal about the neighboring construction site some 30 meters away from the Melnikov House? Read … Continue reading
PHOTOS from The Constructivist Project on Instagram 29.05.2014 “On Presnya a rally was held in defense of the 100-year-old Shukhov radio tower Young Muscovites demand to save a masterpiece of the Russian avant-garde for the capital” http://www.mk.ru/moscow/2014/05/29/na-presne-proshel-miting-v-zashhitu-100letnejj-shuhovskojj-radiobashni.html 29.05.2014 “Rally in … Continue reading
(photo from the rally’s Facebook event) Архнадзор – Шуховская башня: открытое письмо Д.Медведеву (Archnadzor – Shukhov Tower: open letter to D. Medvedev) 28.05.2014 “Архнадзор” попросил Медведева запретить демонтаж и перенос Шуховской башни http://www.interfax.ru/moscow/378363 28.05.2014 В Москве пройдет митинг в защиту … Continue reading